Saturday, December 5, 2009

How to get my hair to get thicker and longer by july and problems with acne?

i just got a bob and the back is cut and i got it a week ago so my hair will be healthier.One side is heathier than the other and when i was younger i had really thick hair but i started to use the hot comb and flat iron so now it's thin i'm going to a different school next year and i want my hair to be long and thicker and my friends said that black gel would make it grow and carrot oil will make it thicker but i don't no if it's true.I need help fast!!I also have a problem with my skin.My skin is oily and my nose is always shiny and i want to get clear skin fast and i want to no what is the best soaps to use.I heard dial soap is good.How to get my hair to get thicker and longer by july and problems with acne?
I can help you with both your skin and hair.

You can have fast growing long and thick hair, but you have to attack your hair growth on the inside and the outside. If you want to stimulate your hair growth then you need a good hair growth plan of attack that has three necessary components: a healthy eating plan, substantial water intake, and a high quality hair growth and hair care product. Also, I suggest you purchase an all-natural hair growth product. Unnatural hair growth or thickening products can having severe side effects not only to your hair, but also to your body. The best natural hair growth product on the market is Beauty 4 Ashes A Double Portion Super hair growth shampoo and conditioner. They are loaded with powerful essential oils, natural herbs, and vitamin rich nutrients your hair needs to survive. Also, they contain Aloe Vera, Citrus Fruits, Jojoba, Rosemary, and Sage. It has worked miracles for my clients who have older and thinner hair. Although, I don't know your age I am sure that it will work well for you also. Beauty 4 Ashes hair growth products are very impressive and some of my clients experience several inches of growth in 5 months.

As for your skin, here are some things that you can do from home to treat your oily skin and one great natural product that works great. If you use both of these religiously I think it will stomp your extra shine and give you a great complexion.

Home Remedy Skin Care

Part 1: Get a bowl and mix together some baking soda, honey, and olive oil. Wet your face, and massage the mixture into your skin for 30 to 60 seconds. The mixture should feel grainy, but not rough.

Part 2: Place a warm washcloth on your face for 10 to 15 seconds, to open and unclog pores.

Part 3: Get some Aloe Vera Gel from the nearest whole foods store and use it as facial moisturizer.

Besides doing this, or buying Accutane or Proactiv, several of my clients have used No More Shame 24 hour Acne Eliminating Kit. The kit contains a good all-natural face scrub that has ingredients that will help your complexion. It works well because it contains essential oils. Essentials are extremely potent, yet gentle solutions that kill bacteria and fungus and control your skin's oil production. This is critical for you because you need to balance your skin's oil, not strip it. The scrub also has aloe and vitamin e, which are good for your skin. My clients' with oily skin have seen drastic improvements in their skin tone, reasiness, and texture by using the scrub. You can find it online at wwwdiscoverb4acom.How to get my hair to get thicker and longer by july and problems with acne?
Good anti-acne soap is sulfur soap. It stinks but works miracles. I don't have advice on the hair based on experience but I herd aloe vera helps thickens hair.
go to a dermatologist. they'll perscribe somtheing for your skin thatl be just right for you. proactive doesnt work on everyone. it depends why you have acne (genetic, oily skin, etc.).
mm for acne you can always go to a salon and get a mini facial because its cheaper theyll remove any excess dirt in your pores and your skin stays cleaner for a few months then you should do it again it prevents you from getting as much acne it worked for me! oh and also you might want to pick up the latest issue of seventeen magazine with Scarlet Johanson on the cover theres great skin tips in there! hope this helps
im a boy but for acanne you should use proactive solution its the best for pimple and more lookmit up or ask your local doctor near you for more information
Use Clearasil Ultra for your skin trust me i know from experience. For thick hair get ';Body Envy'; from Herbal Essences. All the stuff i recomended totally works!! I promise!!

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