Saturday, December 5, 2009

When my acne disappeared it left brown spots. I dont know if they are scars but will they ever go away?

I have had them for 3 months and they have reduced in appearance but they are still there.When my acne disappeared it left brown spots. I dont know if they are scars but will they ever go away?
You can go to any salon that has a spa ( that means they offer massages %26amp; facials) let them know your concerns %26amp; they will treat it appropriately. Usually a treatment of chemical peels or laser treatments will help with the fading process or help them to completely go away!When my acne disappeared it left brown spots. I dont know if they are scars but will they ever go away?
most likely they are scars. You should use Palmers Cocoa Butter. Even if they aren't scars and they are slowly going away on their own you should still use the cocoa butter to expedite the process. It works really great if you use it every day. You should see noticeable improvement with in a few days.
ya i get what your saying- they sorta look like a freckle.Their cancer spots. AHH CANCER. its just a over used word to describe a billion things. Essentially the acne killed the skin cells in the area around the breakout,leaving a spot of dead cells {cancer} but using scrubs to remove little bits of the skin to allow new growth will take a long long time but they aren't dangerous.
Yes... they are scars..

I would suggest getting a good quality facial scrub and using it twice a week. (Helps new skin come to the surface faster so you get rid of the damaged skin faster.

And also using either cocoa butter or vit E oil on these scars daily, morning and night, and really massage it in!
try a mild skin lightening soap and/or dermaline skin whitening cream to get rid or fade dark acne scars.. plus a high spf sunscreen to prevent further pigmentation.. sun exposure can cause healing/healed acne to darken more.
There are a number of medications; creams and acne blemish treatments that can be used to reduce the appearance of acne scars.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .
Yes, it does happen when acne and pimples heal they leave behind scars, the scars do fade away if you use a good scars treatment product. My favorite which I keep using to get rid of my scars is zenmed's scars and hyperpigmentation kit. It is an amazing product which gives excellent and quick results to get rid of scar and spot marks.

You could also use my discount code ';zen4less'; in case if you wish to buy from them.

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