Thursday, June 24, 2010

I have acne all over my body. How in the world do i get it to go away?????

Bikini Season is coming up and i don't want to use concealer on my back and chest just to cover it up. Does anyone else have this problem?I have acne all over my body. How in the world do i get it to go away?????
Lots of people have this problem. I asked a dermatologist once, and he offered this advice:

First, stop using a washcloth when you bathe. It will actually spread some bacteria around. Just use your hands. Use a perfume-free, hypo-allergenic soap, shampoo AND conditioner! And don't scrub until you dry your skin out.

That helps, and from personal experience I can say:

Use a good lotion after you shower, to help keep your skin from trying to produce too much oil. Curel or Neutrogena or something else hypo-allergenic is good. Makeup and perfume can make it worse--and those concealers are a vicious cycle.

Wear loose-fitting, breatheable clothing. Cotton is good, until it gets wet with sweat, when it's not any more. Wear fresh, clean clothes every day, and change your sheets and towels a couple times a week, too.

The rest is a mixture of diet and exercise. Stay off the fats, caffeine and junk food, eat tons of fruits, vegetables and fish. Get enough sleep-like nine hours worth, which will really help. Regular exercise helps too. But if you get really sweaty, wash off. And if you're smoking tobacco or anything else, you're out of luck.

If you're very fair skinned--blonde or redhead, you may be more prone to acne from alot of sun exposure, which is not much help for bikini season. Alcohol, which makes you flush, can contribute, too.

Good luck!I have acne all over my body. How in the world do i get it to go away?????
You probably have a major staphlococcus infection of the skin that requires a dermatologist. Go see one. Other treatments are minimally effective, if that.
The skin is connected with the liver. If you're liver is not clean or you are overloading it with greasy, fatty or sugary foods your skin will begin to reap the results. Go on a liver cleanse (and a colon cleanse while are at it) and you should be cleared up by bikini season.
yup me too! concealer won't work anyways..not well enough. Try OXY for back acne, and don't wear tight shirts. Whenever you are not around people who can see the acne wear shirts that hardly cover your back. most important thing, your hands have more oil on them then any other part of your body. If you must pop a pimple wrap tissue around your fingers. and remember acne does not make you ugly... to most people except for ourselves it is hardly noticable

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