Saturday, June 26, 2010

Why doesn't your immune system protect you from recurring acne infections?

If it can protect you from getting sick should you encounter a strain of other viruses or bacteria, why can't it protect you from getting new acne infections? Don't tell me that every zit I get is caused by a different strain of bacteria.Why doesn't your immune system protect you from recurring acne infections?
The chance of acne eruptions are relatively less among those individuals who enjoy a strong immune system. This is because the body does not allow bacteria to thrive on dead cells or sebum that may clog skin pores.

The body's immune system rushes WHITE BLOOD CELLS wherever it notices a gathering of harmful bacteria and restores the skin's health This is how IMMUNE SYSTEM reduces the spread of acne.Why doesn't your immune system protect you from recurring acne infections?
The acne infection is your immune system fighting back. And as for protection against getting sick, the immune system cannot always prevent vast numbers of bacteria or viruses from getting a foothold and overwhelming us. There's just no immunity from some things. Take a look at the link below and see if you can find something helpful here. Also ask your doctor about short-term antibiotic therapy and find out if you're a candidate for it.鈥?/a>
Acne is caused by your skin producing too much oil. It's your own skin's fault you get acne, not any foreign bacteria's.

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